705724 - Chartwork and Pilotage, Level 1 (Online option available)
Course Description
As part of the Fishing Master IV curriculum, this entry-level course examines the theory and practice of navigation. This course is structured to develop the ‘hands-on' practical the skill set needed to serve as an officer in charge of a navigational watch on a fishing vessel.Course Outline
1.0 The Principles of Construction of the Different Types of Nautical Charts and their Use
2.0 Nautical Publications Including the Canadian Aids to Navigation, Notices to Shipping, Notices to Mariners, CHS Chart No.1, and Others
3.0 Latitude and Longitude and the Ability to Plot the Ship’s Position by GPS Coordinates, Simultaneous Bearings, Range and Bearings and Distance off Landmarks
4.0 The Magnetic Compass and the Ability to Determine Ship’s Heading in True, Magnetic and Compass Degrees
5.0 Direction and Courses Between Positions on a Nautical Chart
6.0 Converting the Ship’s Course from True to Compass (and Vice Versa)
7.0 Dead Reckoning (DR) Plotting and Comparing the DR Position to Observed Positions to Determine the Effect of Wind and Current on the Vessel
8.0 The Logbook and the Importance of Good Record Keeping
Learner Outcomes
This is a Transport Canada Certification Preparation Training course and the examination must be written at Transport CanadaNotes
NoneApplies Towards the Following Certificates
- Fishing Master - Class IV : FM-IV St. John's
- Fishing Master - Class IV Distance : FM -IV Distance