
Course Description

The purpose of this course is to provide the participant with working knowledge of the principles and practices of Celestial Navigation in order to plan passages and determine ship’s positions by Celestial Bodies, Parallel, Plane, Mercator and Great Circle sailing.

Course Outline

1.0 Solar System
2.0 Celestial Sphere and Equinoctial System of Co-ordinates
3.0 Hour Angle
4.0 Daily Motion and Horizontal System of Co-ordinates
5.0 Sextant and Altitude Corrections
6.0 Amplitudes
7.0 Time and Equation of Time
8.0 Nautical Almanac
9.0 Latitude by Meridian Altitude
10.0 Pole Star Observations
11.0 Position Fixing
12.0 Sailings
13.0 Great Circle Sailing





Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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